Saturday 8th of January 2022, 7 PM

Keb Darge x Natalie Shooter: Northern Soul at SJQ

In the early eighties Keb was voted the world’s number one northern soul DJ. Many of today’s classics started life as his discoveries. In the early nineties he invented the Deep Funk scene which soon became a worldwide phenomenon. Again he led the way by discovering killer 45’s that nobody had heard of before.

Keb has been traveling the world as a DJ for a good thirty years. This year so far he has played to packed clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Kobe, Beirut, Dubai, Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and all over Europe.

In 1994 he began running “Deep Funk” every Friday night at Madame Jo Jo’s in Soho. A night that he successfully ran for eighteen years, and the night that transformed that venue into one of the capital’s most popular. In 2004 he began “Lost and Found” on Saturday nights at the same venue, and that night stayed packed until 2012, when he emigrated to the Philippines.

He has compiled 29 albums of rare 45’s from the fifties, sixties, and seventies. Most he did with BBE records, but he also runs the New York based Kay Dee record label with Kenny Dope (Masters at Work), works with Beams records in Japan, and Do Right music in Canada.

He has now settled back in the UK and has in recent years been amassing a collection of rare sixties garage punk, raucous rockabilly and wild surf instrumentals.

Natalie Shooter is a DJ, journalist and music researcher, formerly based in Beirut. She co-runs one of Beirut’s hippest parties, The Beirut Groove Collective, and has written extensively about music scenes across the Arab World. Her show covers the full spectrum of soul music taking in northern, rhythm and blues, jazz, funk and psychedelia from around the world.

Price: £10 Buy tickets
Friday 3rd of January 2025, 6pm

Bar Open

Price: Free
Saturday 4th of January 2025, 9.30 PM

Love & Light

Price: Free
Tuesday 14th of January 2025, 7.30 PM

Greg Freeman

Price: £12 Buy tickets

See full programme