Saturday 15th of October 2022, 8.00PM

10A Sessions with Pink Shabab & Charlie Bones plus Guests!

PInk Shabab ~

Pink Shabab is the heartbreak funk-pop solo project of London musician Joseph Carvell. After years as a trusted bass player for the likes of Laetitia Sadier, Marker Starling, Baby Dee, Malphino and many more bands, Pink Shabab was born. A few demos and concerts later, an invitation came from Emma ‘Astrobal’ Mario to the South of France to record a debut album. 2019’s ‘Ema by the Sea’ released on Berlin label Karaoke Kalk.

‘Groovy and laid-back, danceable and intimate, the minimalist structures of Carvell’s songwriting open up a lot of space and make room for plenty of surprises along the way. ‘ – Forced Exposure

Charlie Bones ~ station owner and impresario on the wheels of steel.

Hello Again Hackney ~ A special series of performances to welcome Hackney residents back to SJQ. For the discounted ticket offer of £6 for Hackney residents, enter the promotional code ‘’Hackney” when purchasing a ticket. Please bring proof of address on the night. Hackney resident ticket holders will receive a ‘hello again’ drink upon arrival with their ticket purchase

Price: £12 or £6 for Hackney residents Buy tickets
Tuesday 14th of January 2025, 7.30 PM

Greg Freeman

Price: £12 Buy tickets
Thursday 16th of January 2025, 7.30 PM

Erica Jean

Price: £10 Buy tickets
Friday 17th of January 2025, 8pm

Beats Kebab

Price: FREE Buy tickets

See full programme