Wednesday 18th of October 2017,
7.30 PM
Ralph and the Happy Campers + Pollyanna Valentine + Drug Store Romeos
“Ralph and the Happy Camper’s new single ‘SHOOTING STAR’ is a tuneful slice of psychedelic indie pop that’s a little off-kilter and quite moreish. When you put the music together with one of the strangest but most fun videos we’ve seen for a while then you get the full effect of some marvellously skewed minds. Or should that be “mind”? We don’t even know if this is a solo project or a band, but it’s good whatever it is” – The Sound Of Confusion
Pollyanna Valentine is the muse of Charley via Los Angeles.. ensemble of dreamy collage and offbeat pop muse… Soon to release debut featuring collaborations w LAetitia Sadier and Cathy Lucas/Valentina MA (VAnishing Twin)
Drug Store Romeos play back bedroom melodies and off kilter jazz. Beautiful dreamy sound with early 4AD vibes.
Price: £6 OTD
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